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Blog - Leaders/HR

Assertiveness is a Critical Skill

Sandra believes that assertiveness is a critical skill for career advancement, self-advocacy, work life balance and for gaining confidence and respect.

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Imposter Syndrome - busting some myths with new research.

So much is written about imposter syndrome – but little of it is clear on what is being talked about.

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Authentic Leadership is so 1990s!!

I remember attending a leadership transformation programme in the mid 1990’s where we explored our authentic styles as leaders and how powerful authenticity could be as a driver for organisational change. As with many others on the programme, I then felt the disappointment…

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"Johnny is useless, he needs coaching"

Is that coaching or not? What is coaching anyway? Every Olympic team and athlete has at least one coach. Every Pro Tour player has a coach. Every Premiership Team has a head coach, same for Championship teams. How come?

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How to Find the Right Entrepreneur Mentor for Your Company

When you are embarking on an exciting professional journey (like starting your own company, for example!) it is important that you pick the right entrepreneur mentor to help you along.

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What can you do to get the most from your Executive Coaching experience?

You’ve decided to get some coaching and found a great coach to work with, so now you’re wondering, “What can I do to get the best from the coaching experience?”

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