Are you a professional coach?

Blog - Coach Development

Do you really know what self-awareness is?

In leadership and coach development, in assessment centres and in competency frameworks the term self-awareness is frequently used, and personally I know it is a competency that I have strived to develop. 

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imposter syndrome

Conquering Imposter Syndrome as an Executive Coach

Even as an executive coach - someone who is looked upon to guide high-achieving professionals - imposter syndrome can be an unwelcome guest, whispering doubts and fears into your ear despite your accomplishments and expertise. Discover strategies to

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Is your coachee collecting stamps?

Collecting stamps is a term often used in Transactional Analysis to describe someone who is storing up emotions and feelings for things they may have buried or do not address. Sue Brown talks about the implications

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A Personal Reflection - Becoming MCC and Letting Go Of My PCC Coaching

To me, MCC is about “being” – who you “be”, and becoming – who you are becoming, beginning to be.

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Roy Childs

Am I what I say or what I do – Being versus Doing by Roy Childs

My Divinity teacher (yes, they did used to exist) was renowned for picking out individual pupils and saying in a loud stern voice ‘Boy! If you act like an odious buffoon you will become an odious buffoon!’ He was clearly a psychologist in the behaviourist tradition. But this…

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How to challenge what I believe about myself

By Roy Childs PhD. This blog is describing a powerful way to help people learn about themselves through feedback. We know that feedback from others is one of the main ways that we learn about ourselves. It is like a mirror that can help to dispel some of our myths and…

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