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Blog - managing anxiety

Why culture matters

Why culture matters

Many of our coaching clients are working for international companies or interact with colleagues, partners and clients from around the world. Some of them might have moved to this country from abroad and are finding their way in a UK working environment. Some of the issues…

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Mental Well-Being

Change Your Perspectives, Change Your Experiences for Mental Well-Being

Change Your Perspectives, Change Your Experiences for Mental Well-Being During this uncertain time of the Covid-19 pandemic, it can be beneficial to learn practices to support our mental well-being by focusing on what we can control rather than the things we cannot. And…

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Future for the Education Sector

POST COVID-19 Future for the Education Sector

Future for the Education Sector In March 2020, Trajectory Partnership published a quick peek into the future titled “The Post Pandemic Consumer.”  With a longstanding interest in future trends and scenario building, I read with interest the trends identified in the paper…

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Dealing with anxious thoughts and feelings

Dealing with anxious thoughts and feelings

Dealing with anxious thoughts and feelings A situation like the present coronavirus epidemic can leave many of us feeling very uncomfortable and anxious. And this anxiety can spill over in all kinds of unwelcome and unhelpful ways. It might take the form of preoccupation…

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Joseph Ogbonna

Lessons for a generation, “Keep Calm and Wash your hands”

Lessons for a generation, “Keep Calm and Wash your hands” by Joseph Ogbonna Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is trending in the news, social media, our waking hours and even our dreams.  This…

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Resilience: reshaping the stories we tell ourselves about our bad experiences

Resilience: Leadership is tough today. Challenges are thrown at us every day at breakneck speed and many leaders go home at the end of each day thinking they’ve succeeded in some but failed in others. Resilience is key to surviving and flourishing as a leader and as a…

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