Are you a professional coach?

Blog - improvement

How friendly can you be as a coach with a coachee?

Not for the first time this came up recently in supervision where I was the responsible supervisor. Would you go to dinner with a client? I wouldn’t generally but I admit I have (with a supervisee) and maybe this does help me to maintain perspective. As the cliché advises,…

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Great Attrition

How can HR Professionals help stop the “Great Attrition”?

Since the pandemic, a record number of employees are thinking about leaving their jobs and many have already done so, according to a McKinsey report (Great Attrition or Great Attraction – The Choice is Yours) based on research in the USA, the UK, Australia, and Canada. This…

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Think clearly and creatively, even under pressure…

Many modern-day jobs are not very conducive to clear thinking – with constant interruptions from emails, notifications, phone calls and meetings. It’s a rich irony, given that what’s required of people – especially in senior roles – calls for the clearest thinking.…

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The Coaching Business Builders

Having a coaching business is a people sport. Working as a coach supporting people every day can bring great meaning to our working lives. The pros are that it’s your business and this business can be built to enact your personal purpose. You can be in control of the game! The…

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Making the Most of your Talent

I recently began watching a programme on the BBC called “Make It To Market”. Essentially the show is about talented people who have a hobby that they would like to turn into a business and generate an income for themselves. They are given a mentor who is successful in…

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What’s it like at the top these days?

There you are, right at the top, leading a company. You’ve made it. May I ask: What’s it like for you? I used to have a handle on that, working as I do with executives, but things have changed so much in the last 36 months that I’m no longer sure. So, I’d like…

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