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Blog - Coaching Supervision

Newly Qualified Coach Supervision

Does a newly qualified coach need supervision?

Newly Qualified Coach Supervision? It is totally understandable that many newly qualified coaches lose confidence post qualification. Following the high of passing the rigour of their coaching assessment, pouring their hearts into reading, essay writing and the stress of the…

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Confessions of a Supervisee

Confessions of a Supervisee

Confessions of a Supervisee I was talking with a colleague the other day about why I had wanted to become a supervisor, which I did some years ago now.  The main reasons I recalled were to do with supporting the coach community I’d set up back then and finding a deeper way…

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Ideas for Coach Supervision content: Objectivity and Evasiveness

Can we use more than instinct in a real-time conversation?  If not instinct, lots of different perspectives suggests to me that my analytical brain might whirr all the more from juggling all the possibilities and impact my listening.

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To what extent are coach supervisors lifeguards?

Hope you've been enjoying Helen's TCD community Zoom calls during lockdown. The one on coach supervision prompted this question about lifeguarding being a possible metaphor for coach supervision. The idea is a little frivolous perhaps, inviting an initial answer of  'no'.…

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Physician Heal Thyself

Physician Heal Thyself

Physician Heal Thyself A long, long time ago, when I first trained to be a coach, I remember one particular exercise I and my fellow trainees were asked to undertake.  It was very simple and very powerful and has stayed with me ever since.  In pairs, unsurprisingly, one of…

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Confessions of a supervisor

Confessions of a supervisor

Confessions of a supervisor I must confess, when I am supervising groups of coaches I sometimes come away somewhat disappointed.  All too often the coaches come from one of two stances.  They either come in 'lazy mode', where they haven't reflected on their own work but…

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