Are you a professional coach?

Blog - Coaching relationship

Help! Is wanting to help as a coach helpful?

Coaching is called, along with others, a “helping profession” which according to the American Psychological Association (APA) can be classified as a job or position that offer “health and education services to individuals and the community”. 

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Multi-Party, Tripartite, 3-Way Contracting for Coaching

How do you, as the coach, create a safe space to ensure an open and honest discussion is had, to bring alignment in outcomes for both coachee and the sponsor/line manager?

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How friendly can you be as a coach with a coachee?

Not for the first time this came up recently in supervision where I was the responsible supervisor. Would you go to dinner with a client? I wouldn’t generally but I admit I have (with a supervisee) and maybe this does help me to maintain perspective. As the cliché advises,…

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How can you improve your Leadership Development Programme?

Find out by taking this quick audit x