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Blog - business priorities

Return on Investment vs Return on Expectations... which is right when evaluating coaching or leadership development?

Many moons ago when I was completing my CIPD qualifications I wrote a Management report called “Beyond the Happy Sheet” in which I explored how training and coaching is evaluated in the workplace. A chance conversation at the Trusted Coach Directory about Return on…

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If you were really, really confident, how would you be?

Recognising it’s tough out there and that confidence is down, I’ve been running weekly sessions on Zoom about how to protect your confidence in tricky times. So how do you be really confident? I believe confidence is the lifeblood of one’s business and, when it’s…

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Work life integration

The Secret of Work Life Integration

With restrictions across the UK starting to ease, many of us are curious as to what kind of “new normal” will unfold.  There’s certainly one feature of the pandemic that looks like it is here to stay in some form, and that is a preference for home working.  One clear…

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Confessions of a Supervisee

Confessions of a Supervisee

Confessions of a Supervisee I was talking with a colleague the other day about why I had wanted to become a supervisor, which I did some years ago now.  The main reasons I recalled were to do with supporting the coach community I’d set up back then and finding a deeper way…

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Ideas for Coach Supervision content: Objectivity and Evasiveness

Can we use more than instinct in a real-time conversation?  If not instinct, lots of different perspectives suggests to me that my analytical brain might whirr all the more from juggling all the possibilities and impact my listening.

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Who else am I?

Who else am I?

Who else am I? The familiar percussive music of the signature theme begins.  A contestant makes the short journey to the famous black chair.  She is asked her name.  Then she is asked her occupation. I find myself wondering, why this second question?  I suppose it…

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