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Blog - agility

Benefits of coaching

Benefits of coaching to the coach - available to all?

Benefits of coaching to the coach - available to all? Over many years I've listened to coaches who are passionate about learning coaching skills, that inspired them with confidence to go and help others. That's marvellous, but what if others aren't ready to be helped…

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Coaching Psychologist

The Perils of Friendliness

I was reading an article in the Coaching Psychologist on the way to a client this morning.  The article reported some research into whether client factors – described as clients’ “core self-evaluations” - are a significant factor in the effectiveness of coaching; client…

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'Clean' approach to Supervision

Untangling - with a 'Clean' approach to Supervision

Untangling - with a 'Clean' approach to Supervision Sam (not their real name): I have a client who sort of outmanoeuvres me; she keeps telling me what to do, how I could be running the sessions.  We’ve had three now but it’s sort of unsettling. Ken: And is there…

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ICF Core Competencies

What can a box of buttons do for your client?

You’d be amazed I always am.  It’s incredible what clients do with a button.  All of a sudden the button takes on a persona, an emotion, a hurt, a meaning, a frustration. It can be tapped, and stroked, rubbed between thumb and fingers. It can be held up close and it can…

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Playing Politics

Playing Politics Authentically: The Paradox

I am being honest, I cannot remember a time when people have not be-moaned the fact that they can’t get stuff done because of office organisational politics or claim to have fallen foul of it and had their career damaged as a result. I have been working in business for 30…

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New Year’s Resolutions

Never give up on your dreams...

I went swimming on Monday, as I do every morning, and noticed that there were only 3 people in the pool, as opposed to 10 last week. “Blue Monday”  as we all know is supposed to be the day that most people give up their New Year’s Resolutions, if they even got round to…

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