Are you a professional coach?


Thoughts from our expert coaches

Is your coach or mentor following the Global Code of Ethics ?

As a practicing, professional coach and mentor the importance of working within the framework of the Global Code of Ethics cannot be understated.

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What will make employees stay?

Encouraging managers to hold stay, or retention, interviews with employees is the latest tool in the war to retain talent (FT. March 22).  The logic is sound.  Catch employees before they have another job offer and have mentally moved on.  It’s an opportunity to find out…

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How to lead effectively in a VUCA world

The turbulence of change is so commonplace these days that the business world has adopted the label VUCA - Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous - from the military, who originally coined the term to describe the conditions they were facing in places like…

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future of hybrid working

The future of hybrid working

The future of hybrid working There’s a lot of comment about returning to the office, and depending on who you are talking to, more or less enthusiasm.  Conversations, media and academic commentary reveal a mixed picture: Opinions seem to vary across and between…

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Newly Qualified Coach Supervision

Does a newly qualified coach need supervision?

Newly Qualified Coach Supervision? It is totally understandable that many newly qualified coaches lose confidence post qualification. Following the high of passing the rigour of their coaching assessment, pouring their hearts into reading, essay writing and the stress of the…

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Is there a future for work?

Of course, there is a future for work, what else would we do with our time? Joking aside, the pandemic has shown us that there are all sorts of things we could be doing with our time, most of them not related to work as we knew it. It led many of us to think about what we want…

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