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By Richard MacKinnon|15.04.2024

What about life after coaching?

In this video, Richard answers another common question about coaching: "What do I do when coaching has finished?"

By Richard MacKinnon|11.03.2024

What is a coaching 'chemistry session'?

In this video, Dr. Richard MacKinnon explains the role of the 'chemistry session' when it comes to coaching.

By Sharon Holland|23.02.2024

Rethinking the Psychological Assessment of Personality

Do you want a different way of thinking about personality questionnaires? This video will stimulate some critical thinking in this field.

By Sharon Holland|23.10.2023

Rethinking Personality - moving from a static to a more dynamic paradigm

Addressing some of the biggest criticisms of psychometric questionnaires.

By Richard MacKinnon|27.09.2023

Procrastination: the stories we tell ourselves

In this video, Dr. Richard MacKinnon explores procrastination from the perspective of the 'stories' we tell ourselves to justify delays.

By Helen Isacke|08.08.2023

Breaking the mould - Roles v Personality

Team Focus offer solutions that address some of the biggest criticisms of psychometric questionnaires.

By Helen Isacke|25.07.2023

How to use Belbin reports to raise self-awareness and increase personal effectiveness

Everyone has something to contribute to a team, but it can be difficult to establish and articulate exactly what that contribution might be.

By Richard MacKinnon|10.07.2023

Having Difficult Conversations

In this video. Dr. Richard MacKinnon explores why some conversations at work are so uncomfortable, how we can deal with the psychological discomfort, and ensure we're having more of the conversations that really matter

By Richard MacKinnon|07.06.2023

Overwhelmed and stressed: are your habits making things worse?

Nobody wants to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Yet sometimes, our own habits make this situation more likely.

By Richard MacKinnon|11.05.2023

Coaching: it's not just goals!

In this video, Richard McKinnon explores one of the many misconceptions about coaching: that it's just goal-setting.

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