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Performance Coach Ringwood, Shirley Thompson

Shirley Thompson

4 reviews
500+ hours of coaching experience

Leadership Coach

+2 more

Coach Supervision, Project Management focus, Soft skills issues

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Marissa Makinson-Hall

1 review
500+ hours of coaching experience

Executive Coach

+3 more

Helping leaders with increased self-awareness and personal impact to be their best

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Marcus Vallance

100+ hours of coaching experience

Executive Coach

+4 more

Friendly and challenging coach with an focus on creating change and growth.

Royal Leamington Spa
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Liz Mercer

2 reviews
750+ hours of coaching experience

Executive Coach

+3 more

Coaching to create new thinking, growth and transition; helping you thrive.

Cambridge, Oxford & London
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Isabelle Courtney-Guy

3 reviews
500+ hours of coaching experience

Executive Coach

+2 more

An intelligent, bold and present coach providing loving challenge and insightful listening

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