Change Your Perspectives, Change Your Experiences for Mental Well-Being
During this uncertain time of the Covid-19 pandemic, it can be beneficial to learn practices to support our mental well-being by focusing on what we can control rather than the things we cannot. And as we find ourselves being bombarded by information, facts and figures surrounding this health crisis; paying attention to this information encourages a perpetual state of fear for ourselves, as well as our friends and family.
If we allow ourselves to succumb to this anxiety about the future, and only focus on the “go-wrongs” our negative thoughts and emotions will continue to spiral down. And this induces even more anxiety.
So in this time, if we practice more progressive ways to deal with this uncharted situation, and learn how to manage our behaviours, thoughts and emotions to create more positive perspectives, it can boost our morale and our health. And this can positively impact our state of mind, inducing a much better way of life for ourselves and those around us.
This is not to say we ignore current affairs: it’s important to stay informed and be aware. It’s true the global pandemic has changed our ‘old normal’ and completely altered the way we live our daily lives. It’s also true we have the power to control ourselves internally: how we view situations – including the lock-downs and outcomes taking place globally, and therefore, how our view affects us personally.
We can choose to be in a place of calmness and self-compassion – recognising in this moment, we are safe. And we can also reassure ourselves, eventually this will pass, and even better, we will emerge more aware and stronger as people and communities.
We are always at choice, in any given moment. What we choose to put inside our minds impacts our physiology, and in turn causes the reaction we experience. If we practice pausing and paying attention to what we are choosing to think and feel, we can learn how to control our internal experiences to ensure they serve us rather than hurt us.
To support ourselves to see different and empowering perspectives, we can stop, breath deeply and ask ourselves some questions such as:
Pausing and breathing allows us to calm down and see things differently by releasing natural chemicals within our bodies, such as Oxytocin, which supports us to identify and change perspectives. This also means we can choose how to respond – and decide upon ways of experiencing our lives so we can feel empowered, uplifted and enlightened. When we look after our own mental well-being, and feel good about ourselves, we are more able to be resourceful and helpful to others.
As we face each day – with perhaps new and empowering ways forward – we can begin to believe the world will emerge a better place where people will be kinder, more compassionate and caring. We might also change the ways we live: slow down, be more mindful about how we use resources and look after our wildlife and nature. Of course, there will still be challenges, but perhaps we can also recognise there can be great, better outcomes.
Be empowered.
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