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The Power of a Good Slide Set to Support your Coaching Business

By Helen Isacke|18.02.2020

Expert Interview: David Henson, the Slide Presentation Man talks about how his brand 'The Slide Presentation Man’ works, the Mistakes made with Slide Presentations, Top tips for creating slides that add value to a workshop or talk and tools to create great a great slide set.

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Jackie Jarvis interviews David Henson, the Slide Presentation Man

In a world of ‘Death by PowerPoint’ where even top professional speakers use tedious slides, Dave aims to fundamentally change the way you think about using slides when presenting, running workshops or zoom presentations.

Trained in photography and audio-visual production, he set up The Regent Slide Company in 1986 and spent 13 years producing and imaging thousands of 35mm slides for many and varied businesses. But when he joined the Professional Speaking Association, he discovered that even great speakers use bad slides. And now he’s on a crusade to teach people how to produce slides that wow their audience and that make their talks memorable and effective and to eradicate excruciatingly boring slide presentations.

In this Expert Interview you will find out

  1. How Dave’s brand ‘The Slide Presentation Man’ works
  2. The Mistakes made with Slide Presentations
  3. Top tips for creating slides that add value to a workshop or talk
  4. Tools to create great a great slide set

Click on the link to watch the Expert Interview

If you want any help from Dave here is how to make contact: (for his workshop) (for his book)

[email protected] 

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