Sales Coach Jackie Jarvis interviews ‘Making it Personal’ Public Speaker Alastair Greener
During this interview you will learn:
- Why making a coaching business personal is important
- What kind impersonal mistakes can break relationships down
- Why people are more important than processes
- What makes the most impact on clients
- What kind of proactive personal strategies work
Watch the Expert Interview
Alastair is a communications consultant and speaker with over 25 years’ experience presenting on television, video, radio and stage. For over seven years he has been helping individuals and organizations communicate more effectively. With his training company Present Yourself he leads insightful, interactive and engaging workshops on Presentation and Media Skills. In a series of keynote talks, he focuses on the value of building more personal business relationships.
Contact Alastair at [email protected] to receive a free summary of the Five things Coaches Can Do To Make Their Business Personal