A focussed online coaching programme with Dr Susan Doering MA
This programme is for professional women that combines the benefits of 2 group coaching sessions and 3 individual coaching sessions at a very special price.
It is designed to support women who want to make a strategic career transition: get a promotion, move into leadership, change tracks, move company, do something different! The group sessions address common topics including identifying values and what’s important to you, setting goals, networking, overcoming common challenges in career transitions, and building confidence.
Group sessions: 8 November 2023, 5pm, and 10 January 2024, 5pm.
The individual sessions target your specific situation for maximum effectiveness and are scheduled at your convenience.
Presenter Dr. Susan Doering MA (Oxon), PCC (ICF) is an experienced career and leadership coach who has worked with thousands of women clients globally. Her book Smart Career Moves for Smart Women. How to Succeed in Career Transitions, was published this year by Routledge. All participants of the SmartWoman programme receive a free copy!
For more information and to register go to https://www.doering-training.com/smartwoman or email s.doering@doering-training.com or jackie@doering-training.com and we will be pleased to answer your questions.