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Pioneering Professional Practitioner Virtual Masterclass








For Leaders/HR


£ 30

The Secrets of Pioneering Professional Masterclass – with Ali Stewart – is dedicated to sharing experience, ideas and knowledge with fellow practitioners.
A golden opportunity to build your momentum, drive and passion for Pioneering Professional – our powerful programme to guarantee personal success.

Pioneering Professional is an eye opening, easily understandable Attitude and Skill set, a roadmap on your way toward personal success, whatever your position in a company. The programme really delivers a very pragmatic roadmap to ”What makes high fliers fly”? – Zsuzsa Czagler, Owner and Managing Director, VIP Valued Inspired People Coaching Center

With the success of our previous virtual events we have also decided to offer this Masterclass as an online event.

The Secrets of Pioneering Professional Masterclass is a wonderful opportunity for Pioneering Professional Practitioners to refresh and share their knowledge. It is also the perfect opportunity for Liberating Leadership Practitioners who want to learn more about this powerful programme. Network with fellow practitioners and learn from their real-life experiences.

We have some fantastic speakers and plenty of new and interesting things to share! Learn how to transform yourself and your offerings, discover an exciting idea to help measure the impact of your training, and learn from those leading the way with this inspiring programme.

Join Ali between 14:00 and 16:00 on November 2nd with a series of webinars from our super speakers.

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