Hosted by Association for Coaching.
What if journaling became your secret weapon for unlocking deeper insights, building emotional resilience, and driving transformation – for you and your clients?
Join Leadership Coach Jackee Holder, as she introduces an accessible journaling methodology – the R.E.A.D framework.
Designed to tap into the power of expressive writing, the R.E.A.D framework guides clients through four key steps: Reflect, Explore, Build Awareness, and Make Decisions through journaling.
Learn how to integrate journaling into your coaching practice and bring your questions to Jackee.
Jackee Holder has over 40 years of experience in journaling and professional reflective practice and brings deep insight into the transformative power of writing. Author of “49 Ways To Write Yourself Well” and creator of the Paper Therapy programme, Jackee’s work has helped leaders and creatives navigate complex challenges with confidence and clarity.