Are you a professional coach?

How to Manage Your Time, Focus and Energy








For Coaches

For Leaders/HR


£ Exclusive to members of The Henley Partnership

Hosted by Henley Business School.

We all have crazy-busy days, trying to stay on top of emails (more than 330 billion are sent every single day), manage curveballs and juggle constant interruptions. It feels like everyone needs a bit of our attention. We switch from one task to another, like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. We run out of time for actual work. How often are you interrupted every day? How many hours do you spend in meetings each week? No wonder employees say they feel anxious, overwhelmed and frustrated.

This session will help you to clear the path to productivity and take back control of your time.

Productivity isn’t a personal problem, although some of us tend to procrastinate or worry too much about pleasing people. It’s mostly the system we work in, the 24/7 attention economy, that stops us being efficient. Most of us are bogged down in what researchers call ‘Productivity Drag’. This is the chronic friction that compounds to suck up our time and energy. Causes include: over-servicing, excessive collaboration, lack of purpose, competing projects and slow decision-making. We’d never waste any other resource in the way we waste our time.

Learning Outcomes

This session will help you:

  • understand productivity drag and how to remove bottlenecks and distractions. You’ll focus on your important tasks and push back professionally on competing priorities
  • ring-fence time for vital deep ‘flow’ work, planning and strategic thinking
  • address communication issues that create more ‘sand in the system’, especially excessive digital channels, 24/7 connectivity and lack of a robust meeting etiquette. No agenda, no meeting
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