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Hockley Heath, Solihull B94 5NW, UK


For Coaches

For Leaders/HR


£ 12.00

Join Fiona Anderson in person at the Coaching Central network to discover how coaching can provide a return on investment from three different perspectives:

  1. As a participant
  2. As the client, contracting to achieve a return on investment
  3. As a coach

19th October, 19:30 – 21:00 at Hockley House, Solihull B94 5NW

Led by guest speaker Fiona Anderson, a regular face at Coaching Central as well as being a local Executive, Team & Group Coach, we’ll be looking through the lens of group coaching:

  • exploring what group coaching is
  • sharing our experiences of group coaching and learning from each other
  • identifying key messages to demonstrate a return on investment (ROI) that you could use to market your (group) coaching

You don’t have to be experienced in group coaching to benefit from this session; the learning can be transferred across to your 1:1 coaching too!

Read on for the context and pre-work for this session, booking links and Fiona’s bio.

We hope to see you there! Click here to book your seat

Capturing the impact of group coaching: the context for this session

During lockdown and until last year Fiona was coaching a group of professional women in Kenya (pictured above), with the intention that they would be able to “gift forward” their learning to support similar growth for other Kenyan women. In return, the group offered to share the impact that their group coaching had for them both personally and at work through a series of videos.

It’s rare for us as coaches to be able to really understand and capture the ripple effect that coaching has, but Fiona was blown away by their feedback and realised that their insights could be used for others to learn from (note that Fiona has gained consent to share).

You now have an opportunity to hear the amazing impact that group coaching had through watching the videos as pre-work for this session!

Pre-Session work: watch the videos to hear the feedback

  1. You’re invited you to watch 3 YouTube videos to hear the feedback Fiona received: Group Coaching – Is it for you? Parts 1, 2 & 3. (If you are stuck for time, just watch the second video).
  2. When you’ve watched the videos, take some time to identify key messages you could use to demonstrate your return on investment for your clients.

Bring your ideas to the session with you for discussion.

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