Are you a professional coach?

Coach Fest: A Season of Change








For Coaches

For Leaders/HR


£ See website

The Henley Centre for Coaching is excited to bring you…. CoachFest – their month-long festival of coaching!

During October, they be hosting a range of online and in-person events to help you immerse yourself in cutting-edge coaching thinking, research and practice. Each week of CoachFest has a different theme:

  • Week 1 is Coaching for Climate Change
  • Week 2 is Diversity & Inclusion (Also, featuring our Online Coaching Open Day!)
  • Week 3 is Wellbeing

Week 1 – Coaching for Climate Change

The events for Coaching for Climate Change will prompt you to reflect on your role as a coach in relation to climate change in the environment and are designed to help you immerse yourself in cutting-edge coaching thinking, research and practice.

Click on More Info for all the details

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