Last Spring Alison Haill spent an amazing 4 days in Paris. Next week she’s off for 3 days mid-week for a UK city break. How lucky is she!
Ten years ago it would have been hard to do that on a whim, she says. Now she can do it when she wants.
Back then she already had tons of experience and got fabulous results with her clients but her business was stop-go, as she readily admits.
She didn’t have a successful strategy to build it up strongly and bring in her ideal clients consistently. As a result her confidence wavered and she often felt a failure.
What finally changed things was when she got very clear on her niche and who she was serving. She got clear on what needed to go into her packages so they really attracted her ideal clients. She got very clear on her messaging so that potential clients know what she can do for them and want to work with her.
At that point Alison started charging what her expertise was really worth. That’s when she noticed how things changed and the right clients started to come. Her confidence increased along with her revenue and she started to enjoy travel in a different way, aware she had paid for it from her profits.
Alison wants this for you too, whether your dream is to visit Paris for the weekend, take your family on safari or visit relatives on the other side of the world. Or achieve a completely different dream – one that lights you up.
You too can have the time, the money, the resources, the opportunity to step away from your business – but it won’t happen until you’ve put the pieces together in the right way so you can charge what your expertise is really worth.
That’s exactly what you do together with Alison in her Charge What You’re Worth And Get It® group programmes.
And that’s what allows you to choose a price that truly reflects the value of your extensive expertise as a successful professional and as a female business owner – and the value of the results you help clients achieve.
Alison is starting a new cohort in a few weeks. Take action now to apply or just to find out more about working with her.
Book a spot in her diary here
As an Executive Business Coach running her own expertise-based business for the last 25 years, Alison knows what works in today’s micro businesses. It worked for her coaching practice during the pandemic too, and for the women in her ‘Charge What You’re Worth And Get It’ groups.
Having invested £££s over the years learning from marketing experts herself, she has now distilled the essence of all that learning and shares it with you, combined with her own practical business experience. She has created her group programmes to share what has worked for her and others, and will work for you too.