Are you a professional coach?

AC Creative Coaching Festival








For Coaches


£ AC Members £112 / Non Members £154

Hosted by the Association for Coaching (AC).

Creative Coaching Festival: Interactive, Global, Online

The AC Creative Coaching Festival will be an opportunity to explore the concepts of play and practice and to delve into lots of the insightful research that underpins creativity in coaching.

Join us for two interactive days to explore self-creativity, engage your curiosity and experiment with various creative tools and techniques. Taking us on this journey will be a community of respected coaches within this field, all of whom will be inviting us to play, practice, and engage with our inner creative curiosity!

In this online two-day festival, you will learn: 

  • What creativity in coaching is, why it matters and what to consider when using creativity in coaching
    • The research behind using creativity within coaching
    • A wide variety of creative techniques and tools
    • Responsibilities, ethics and the future of creative coaching

Who is this for?

It’s for anybody! Coaches, creatives, or anyone interested in creativity and coaching. No creative skills are necessary. One of the key misconceptions around creativity in coaching is that it’s only for creatives; we will be busting this myth and unpacking the importance of creativity as a coaching tool for everyone.

Day One, Thursday 18 April 2024

Session 1: Opening Panel Chat
Anna Sheather is joined by Dr Nat Clegg, Karyn Prentice and Elaine Patterson to discuss what creative coaching is, who it is for, the research behind it and why it matters.

Session 2: Playfulness in Coaching

Stephanie Wheeler and Teresa Leyman will share their research in this interactive, reflective session, inviting participants into their own playfulness to help them step into their creative space as a coach.

Session 3: My Creative Self in Coaching and the Use of Humour 
David Love will share his story about creative coaching, using cartooning and discuss the role of humour and provocation in coaching. Does coaching need it?

Session 4: Improvisation for Coaches and Leaders
Julie Flower will demonstrate a creative approach to professional development. Participants will take part in simple improv ideas, with breakout rooms for reflection.

Day Two, Friday 19 April 2024

Session 5: Creativity in Supervision
Auriel Majumdar and Stephen Brown will take you through a live demo coaching session with a client, followed by a live demo supervision reflecting on that session. The session will be immersive and interactive.

Session 6: Coaching with movement: The Elephant in the Room
In this reflective, interactive session, Pearl Jordan will help participants explore the use of movement to uncover their own biases and fears, stretch their comfort zones while providing insights, greater self-awareness and integrity as a coach.

Session 7: The Power of Poetry with Coaching
Poetry therapist and coach Charmaine Pollard will use poetry to help participants explore their future as coaches – what they want and how they want to grow.

Session 8: Final Panel Chat – Responsibility, Ethics and the Future of Creative Coaching
Beth Clare McManus, Andréa Watts, Jackee Holder and Sally Waters will bring together the core principles and ethics of creative coaching and its future in the coaching industry.

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