European Mentoring & Coaching Council Global
Level of membership/accreditationEMCC - Professional member
QualificationsNLP Business Practitioner (Awarded: Sue Knight Associates)Post-Graduate Certificate in Coaching Roffey Park/Sussex UniversityClean Coach for Leadership ILM accredited
I learnt that there are strategies available to help me to cope with stress, such as tapping, breathing exercises and also using art to channel my feelings. I also learnt that a lot of the time, I have the answers to my own problems but that it is helpful to have a supportive person there such as Diana to help guide you through your thoughts and feelings. I learnt that I am a smart and capable person who knows myself quite well, and that I can take a step back to think about what strategies I have subconciously put in place for myself already, and use those to build more helpful routines both in and out of work. I learnt new ways of thinking about communicating. Diana is such a friendly, understanding and supportive person who truly made me feel it was okay to be honest and forthcoming. She was able to see the truth behind my words, and encouraged me to use my creative side to better 'put thoughts to paper' so to speak, which was very interesting and helpful for me. Diana didn't hesitate to make me aware when I was being stubborn or only thinking about things from my own point of view, which I appreciate and think is important. She is enthusiastic and came across as having a genuine interest in me, I felt properly heard and didn't have to worry about being misunderstood or overlooked. A really fantastic coach, the best I have had in a slew of therapists / councillors etc.
12/02/2024Working with Diana is inspirational. She cuts through the noise, and gets to the heart of the matter safely and empathically. She provides the framework within which you do the work - and she holds you to account! Working with Diana is challenging, rewarding and fun. JL (IT consultant and Transactional Analyst)