Are you a professional coach?

Chris Mitchell

250+ hours of coaching experience

Leadership Coach · Executive Coach · Career Coach · Performance Coach


United Kingdom

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About me

Leadership Coach - Leeds

Hello, I’m Chris. A leadership coach, business advisor and Non-Executive Director.

I have held commercial and corporate strategy roles within some of the largest global blue-chip organisations, such as Intel, Equifax and Walmart. I understand the challenges that leaders and managers face and I use this experience in my coaching work, to help others navigate their careers, grow their skills and succeed in business.

What sets me apart is my unique approach of combining hard won business experience with coaching. This means we can work together in a blended mix of 3 core areas:
1. Career coaching: putting you in the driving seat of your career to build self-awareness on what really matters to you, to think creatively about generating new opportunities and taking action to avoid that feeling of being stuck!
2. Leadership and management coaching: An over flowing inbox, pulled from one urgent action to another, a team to motivate, a manager to update and all whilst trying to manage that sense overwhelm? Don’t worry, whether you’re new to management or have been leading for years, we’ll partner on bringing balance, growing your skill and building confidence.
3. Business coaching: Working on the business, not just in it. Identifying the strategic vision, planning how to get there and then problem solving on the way to achieve it. You bring the focus, I’ll bring the guidance, feedback and accountability.

Since leaving the corporate world, I set up and now run my own successful business, specialising in working with highly entrepreneurial start-ups, supporting leaders and their teams and advising established business owners on taking things to the next stage.

People who have worked with me would say that I have a knack for asking the right question, a genuine curiosity to listen and a refreshingly direct straight-talking style. I excel at seeing the big picture to help you to build clarity, create a plan and take action to make it happen!

Sound good? Then let’s get started. Book an introduction with me to start making it happen and begin the journey of taking action towards your definition of success.
Professional body membership

International Coach Federation

Level of membership/accreditation

ICF - Associate Certified Coach


• International Coaching Federation: Associate Certified Coach (ACC)• Professional Certification in Executive Coaching - Henley Business School, triple accredited by the Association of Coaching, European Mentoring and Coaching Council and the International Coaching Federation• Association for Project Management - APM Project Management Qualification • BA Management (International)

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Overall, Chris has given me the framework, confidence and skills to achieve my professional and personal goals. No matter what I come to him with, he always finds a solution to my problems and helps me build a path to success. He has helped me to take a strategic view of my career which has allowed me to take action and positive steps towards living a better life. S.M. Marketing Manager

Specialist areas
Decision Making Delegation Leadership Networking Performance Management Presentation Skills Problem Solving Promotion Strategy Time Management
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