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Karen Ledger

Coaching in English

500+ hours of coaching experience

Executive Coach · Leadership Coach · Team Coach · Coach Supervisor


United Kingdom

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About me

Executive Coach, Coach Supervisor - Sheffield

I am passionate about relationships and working as an independent consultant and therapist allows me to fulfil this and work with people from their agendas. Throughout my working life I have always worked with individuals, teams and organisations to enable them to realise their potential through effective relationships. I believe that living a fulfilling life should be available for everyone. I work with people in a wide range of situations.

My work is underpinned by the philosophy of person centredness, choice and empowerment of people to find their own expertise and way forward. My training and experience enables me to work in depth with people to support them in getting from where they are to where they want to be.

I combine an embedded philosophy of empathy and respect and high regard, based on years of learning and attention to in depth listening with a dynamic, individual and creative approach. As a coach, trainer and facilitator I create an environment of acceptance, integrity, honesty and delight.

I have experience of a wide range of coaching, psychotherapy, facilitation and team development interventions. My clients span the corporate, third and public sectors within the UK, particularly the National Health Service and includes cross boundary working with politicians. My experience spans a range of teams, including finance departments, Boards, CCGs and Senior Management teams. My work focuses on building effective communication and relationships to achieve high performance and psychologically safe working environments.

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Professional body membership

Association for CoachingBritish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Level of membership/accreditation

AC - Individual Full Member


NurseDip in SW CQSWthree year Dip in PC Psychotherapy Cert of Attendance three year MSc in PC Philosophy Post-Grad Cert in Supervision Cert in Executive coaching practice

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Specialist areas
DE&I Emotional Intelligence Leadership Managing Change Mental Health Promotion Retirement Supervision: 1-2-1 Supervision: Group Supervision for Team Coaches: 1-2-1 Supervision for Team Coaches: Group Team Coaching Wellbeing
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