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Amanda Jenkins

500+ hours of coaching experience

Executive Coach · Leadership Coach · Career Coach · Performance Coach

Hertfordshire & London

United Kingdom

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About me

Executive Coach - Hertfordshire & London

Amanda is an accredited executive coach (PCC with the International Coach Federation), with over a decade of experience coaching leaders, directors, senior managers and high potential individuals (> 2500 coaching hours). She helps them to gain greater clarity, unlock their true potential and develop their leadership skills.

She has a particular specialism in working with individuals seeking to identify real purpose, growth and excellence in challenging times, Women and those in transition to new roles. She works alongside her clients to strengthen capacity, maximise strengths and focus on enhancing personal leadership. Typical topics for clients include leading with purpose, creating a compelling vision, greater awareness of individual preferences & difference, thinking strategically, building high performing teams, enhanced relationships, managing conflict, influencing skills, presenting, resilience and inner game. She uses a range of psychometric & 360-degree tools as a platform for exploration and discussion.

With a background in Psychology, Amanda took her clinical experience into the commercial world in 1998. For the last 15 years, Amanda has been coaching clients across Europe in a variety of industries including professional services, banking, consultancies, technology, pharmaceutical, media, healthcare and sport. Clients include Deloitte, KPMG, UK Sport, BofA and BMS.

Alongside her systemic business knowledge and core coaching skills, she has a strong psychological dimension to her coaching and particular strength in listening. Amanda’s coaching style can be described as honest, empathic, thought provoking and tenacious. She works collaboratively with her clients and the system within which they operate. By co-creating a space to think and be challenged, Amanda works creatively with the ‘whole client’ (their thoughts, feelings and behaviours) leading to a better understanding of self, awareness of inner responses (self-limiting beliefs), clarity around situation and a practical application of insights. Coaching enables her clients to tap into their strengths and make choices based on truths, it creates the energy for change, purposeful engagement and authentic leadership.

Examples of work:
• Member of the coaching team on a leadership programme for Partners, Professional Services (Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain & Ukraine)
• Part of the faculty of external coaches for a Global Bank
• Coach on Director & Partner Preparation Programmes, Professional Services (Belgium)
• Coach on flagship IDE programme, Professional Services UK
• Coach to Leaders in Pharmaceutical sector (Middle East & UK)
• Coach on UK Sport Leading Edge Leadership Programme for CEOs of Sporting NGBs
• Coach to the MD and Leadership Team of a high-tech Consultancy
• Coach to female COO of an E-learning Consultancy
• Coach to Heads of Business Units at a Governing Sports Body seeking growth as leaders and looking to improve performance
• Individual coaching programmes working on leadership and relational challenges.

Her approach works well for those curious about themselves, open to challenge and motivated to develop out of their comfort zone.

Contact Amanda to explore how she can help, using the 'Send a message' button.
Professional body membership

International Coach Federation

Level of membership/accreditation

ICF - Professional Certified Coach


Advanced Executive Coaching Diploma with the Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC) - Distinction for coaching model. Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (AoEC). TA 101 & 202 Transactional Analysis (Coaching Neuro Mindfulness Coach Certification Practitioner.Accredited in Psychometrics including: Level A & B in Occupational Testing the British Psychological SocietySHL (Occupational Personality & Motivation Questionnaire)Executive Coaching Tools (360-degree tools)Hogan Leadership Suite - HPI, HDS and MVPIBSc Hons Psychology 2.1

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Amanda's coaching has been the most transformative professional development I've had in my role. Her approach is collaborative, open and rapidly establishes the level of trust needed to be productively vulnerable as a coachee and to really lean into the potential impact of coaching on my leadership. Amanda's coaching style and foci with me were driven my goals, hopes and needs, both as an overarching piece of work and as these emerged session-by-session. Whilst being truly client-led, her coaching supported me in re-appraising my priorities, enabling me to find the key levers for driving my own development. I've codified my values, behaviours and aspirations as a leader through our work together. More than that, my sessions with Amanda enabled me to regain, reframe and re-value my confidence as a leader at a time at which I didn't realise I needed it most!


Having Amanda as my coach has been the best CPD ever! She has enabled me to really think about my role and understand how I portray myself to others. She has helped me to become more confident, self-assured and secure in my ability to successfully do my job. Her natural, friendly style ensured I felt relaxed and able to share thoughts that I hadn't ever even considered. This has helped me both professionally and personally. Her clever, curious questioning style combined with her strong emotional intelligence meant that she guided me to think of solutions and ways of working with a new team in a new executive role. When required, she helped me to construct the language I needed to present myself in a more coherent way whilst always making me feel powerful and in control. I have been coached by many different people and I can honestly say that Amanda is the best yet and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for clarity, support and reflection in order to succeed. I cannot recommend her more highly.


In our coaching journey Amanda has created an environment that allowed me to share and discuss my very inner thoughts and experiences that influence my daily leadership work and my interaction with my peers at work. I always felt very comfortable to bring up any topic that I considered relevant for my personal development – even if it was related to my private life. I always trusted that the session was the right place to articulate my thoughts. Amanda’s coaching allowed me to obtain a new view on my personal leadership and working style, to look at conflicting interests from different perspectives and to accept the fact that leaders may also make mistakes, every day. Especially the ability to accept errors, made an impact to my team, as it opened a new form of discussion on how to improve our daily work by learning from exactly these errors. Amanda guided me through the coaching process in a very professional manner that allowed me to reserve the appropriate space for preparation and our sessions in my diary, even when it seemed already overloaded. I enjoyed our sessions even though I had to face some painful truths about myself. But with Amanda’s guidance I always could identify the essence to make the next step towards a positive change. - PW


My work with Amanda was made up mostly of individual sessions as well as live observation and interviews with both the executive to whom I report and a direct report of mine. The broad objective of the work was to increase my effectiveness as a leader in an extremely high performing environment. Amanda’s style and ability as a personal coach were consummate with my high expectations and I could not speak highly enough of how effective her work has been, proven in subsequent results in my improved leadership and confidence. Creating an open environment of trust is not an easy task and Amanda was able to establish this immediately. I was constantly fascinated by how she was able to draw out of me what the real issues are, often different to my preconceptions. I felt after a while that Amanda became a real “expert” on me both as a person and as a leader and I was totally comfortable with entrusting her with this. Amanda was able to easily make the link between my personal values and my effectiveness in the role and help harness my strengths for better results. This style has been far more impactful for me than a suggesting and telling approach. I was also impressed with how quickly Amanda grasped the culture and understood our business. I have a very high opinion of her ability to help an ambitious leader who is open to continual improvement and would thoroughly recommend her services. - SJ


At senior levels it is not always easy or appropriate to discuss certain topics within the business or with immediate colleagues. Amanda offered an independent ear and her relaxed, supportive and inquisitive style means that she can very quickly understand issues and the context of situations which she has not been directly involved in. Always professional and friendly, she offers an excellent balance of sounding board, steer and challenge. Personally, working with Amanda allowed me time to reflect on my methods and ideas as to how to improve my handling of tough situations. Each coaching session with Amanda was a pleasure and she has gone on to work with multiple colleagues S. Billingham Current role; CEO, Rite Geosystems Limited Role when first worked with Amanda; MD, Geotech UK


Being almost 25 years into business one could easily have an attitude of “been there, done that, seen all”. Amanda definitely had a very smart, enjoyable, yet relentless way of not accepting this! And I mean this in the most positive way. I found our discussions very fruitful as I experienced Amanda having a very subtle but persistent way of going deep on those things that really matter. In doing so she made me rethink my way of dealing with some of my most challenging and important client and peer relationships. And I found a lot of confirmation in, yet also calibration/adjustment of what I am doing. I really enjoyed our sessions, very much! - AM


As a freelance HR Director I have recommended Amanda to many of my clients who have managers and leaders in their business who require support to develop and understand their capability. I have also personally used Amanda when I need a trusted partner to think through thoughts and ideas and ensure I am clear on next steps and have clarity in my thinking. If you want a coach who can deliver supportive, focused, knowledgeable and results driven coaching Amanda should be your first call.

Specialist areas
Confidence Decision Making Difficult Conversations Influencing Skills Leadership Motivation New Role Personal Impact Personality Profiling Presentation Skills Resilience Stakeholder Strategy Work/Life balance Partner Offer
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