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Hannah Rothman

Coaching in English

500+ hours of coaching experience

Executive Coach · Leadership Coach · Career Coach · Performance Coach


United Kingdom

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About me

Executive Coach - Deal

My coaching approach is rooted in the experience that inspiring, confident and sustainable leadership begins with the relationship to yourself. When your inner foundations are strong, clear and empowered, you show up differently and results follow naturally.

Previously, my 20-year career in International Film and Entertainment Sales and Advertising led me to the role that inspired my coaching career. As a London-based director at a US advertising agency, leading teams to deliver international theatrical film campaigns and growing an agency from the ground up to become a key market player, I became intimate with the ups, downs and possibilities of modern leadership. I noticed that the state of the bottom line could always be tracked back to the health of relationships, internally and externally – people are everything to a business - and I leverage this insight and experience in my mission to support leaders in coaxing high level performances from themselves and from their teams. Harnessing their unique strengths and talents, every executive can master the art of relationship building, starting with themselves, and take conscious, intentional action to make their goals and vision for success a reality.

I am certified by the International Coaching Federation and graduated the rigorous and highly regarded training program, Accomplishment Coaching. Since then I have supported many organisations and professionals to harness their innate wisdom and take confident new strides for greater performance and results.

I continue to invest consistently in my own coaching and development - I know that I can only take others as far as I have been prepared to go, myself.

My international clients span the creative advertising, film, entertainment, fashion, human rights, wellness, human resources and retail worlds as well as not-for-profits and the public sector.

When I’m not coaching I am eating the world via my beloved cookbooks, on the beach with my pup, Daphne, and enjoying living by the seaside.
Professional body membership

International Coach Federation

Level of membership/accreditation

ICF - Associate Certified Coach


ICF Certified, ACCGraduate of Accomplishment Coaching, Level 2 CTPCoaching with the Power of Metaphors, Level 1

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The things we worked through came into fruition, and I felt very prepared as I transitioned into my new role. Coaching helped me name where I was feeling blocked, you asked the questions that helped me dig deeper and deeper so that the clouds opened up and I could see things clearly - now I lean into the excitement of what I get to do rather than the stress of all I have to do. There were so many things I learned about myself and how to think about my work in powerful ways, that honestly, since then so many of the concerns I came with in coaching have dissipated, and I've been able to move forward in just such an empowered and motivated way. A. Worrell.


Every time I meet with Hannah, I feel more energised and motivated to reach my objectives. I love her method and attitude; each of our sessions brings something new and important for me to reflect and act on. I can see and feel the benefits of her coaching which I'm grateful for. Claire E.


As part of our vision to build a world class civil service, we set high standards and a rigorous process for selecting coaches to introduce our managers to the true value of coaching. Hannah exemplifies these standards and brings warmth, care and connection to her professionalism. I felt confident that Hannah would create a safe and supportive environment for our managers to reflect on, explore and develop their leadership toolkit - and would certainly recommend her as an Executive Coach. Michaela Adams.


Every now and again in life, you collaborate with incredible people who ignite something special in you that will stay with you forever. Hannah is one of these people. Almost two years ago, I received an email that has never felt more timely - an invitation to be coached. At the time, I was spending a lot of time in my own head, pressing pause on some actions until I fully understood why I was feeling a certain way. I felt frustrated with myself and stuck. As someone who has always innately challenged the status quo and self assuredly put questions and ideas out into the world, the past few years this spark has dimmed from getting lost in my own head. Hannah has this innate ability to truly listen and see every individual as just that, an individual that has their own uniqueness and something wonderful to bring to the world. My weekly coaching sessions have not only helped to brighten my spark again. I've discovered so much about what makes me who I am and who I want to be, including embracing vulnerability as a founder and in all areas in my life, something I never thought I would have the self-assuredness to embrace. Hannah, thank you for all you do. You truly have found your calling in life and I get excited when I come across someone that you're coaching. You have this superpower of empowering people to believe in themselves and the possibilities. Hannah Beecham MBE.

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