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Sadia Ghazanfar

500+ hours of coaching experience

Executive Coach · Leadership Coach · Career Coach


United Kingdom

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About me

Executive Coach - Bristol

I am an accredited executive coach (PCC with the International Coach Federation), and a certified mental fitness coach with experience in coaching leaders, senior managers and high-potential individuals (1000+ coaching hours).

I specialise in working with women who are experiencing imposter syndrome when taking on new responsibilities, transitioning to a new role or stepping up in the workplace. I help them to maximise strengths, increase self-confidence and embody personal leadership.

As a strategic thinking partner, I draw on my experience of living and working cross-culturally and working in business operations, leadership and HR roles. This combined with my coaching credentials means I bring a deep understanding of the unique challenges that women face in the workplace and practical solutions to overcome internal barriers.

Diverse teams foster creativity, drive innovation, and reflect the world in which we operate. My mission is to help organisations develop a diverse talent pipeline by increasing the number of women in leadership positions, and keep them there. For the last 5 years, I have coached women across the world (UK, Europe, USA, Middle East & APAC) in a variety of industries including professional services, STEM, real estate, media, telecommunication and academia. Clients include Ford Motors, BorgWarner, Amazon, and Lululemon.

Typical coaching topics include:
Leadership style, creating a compelling vision, creating a personal brand, enhancing decision-making, improving emotional intelligence, developing emotional regulation, confidence building, influencing skills, presenting, resilience and inner game.

My coaching style
I am skilled at building trust and creating psychological safety quickly. My clients regularly share how my listening skills and empathic nature help them shift perspective and open up to new possibilities. I work collaboratively and creatively with the ‘whole person’ (their thoughts, feelings, behaviours) leading to better self-understanding, awareness of inner reactions (saboteurs), greater clarity of the situation and a practical, generative way forward. My coaching style is described as empowering, thought-provoking and mind-body-centred.

Outcomes as a result of coaching:
• Increased self-awareness and self-belief
• Higher retention, nurturing the talent pipeline and developing future leaders
• Authentic and courageous leadership

How coaching has made a difference to my clients:
• Designing a new role within the company that supported her future career aspirations and aligned with the company’s goals
• Recognising that she didn’t need to do everything herself led my client to delegate and empower others, focusing on her zone of genius and reducing her stress levels
• Becoming aware of the imposter voice within and developing a personalised strategy to unhook from the voice helped her take action authentically and sustainably, which in turn led to increased performance and resilience

Book a 30-minute call for me to better understand your challenges and see how we can work together.
Professional body membership

International Coach Federation

Level of membership/accreditation

ICF - Professional Certified Coach


Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice, Full Circle Global 2018-19 Certified Mental Fitness Coach (CPQC), Positive Intelligence 2021 Six Domains of Leadership Certificate, Delta Leadership Inc 2022BA(Hons) Business Studies 2:1

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Sadia was my coach. She is one of the best listeners I have experienced as a coach. Sadia was non-judgmental and helped me explore specific situations in my business. I highly recommend Sadia as a coach. Diane Morrison.


My coaching sessions with Sadia were really helpful, she gets straight to the crux of an issue and asks great questions that opened options up to me which I'd never seen before. I always left our sessions feeling calm, yet energised and motivated and confident I can overcome the obstacles. I'd highly recommend Sadia as a coach. Caroline O'Brien.


Undertaking coaching is a big commitment emotionally and financially and can be a bit daunting as it is unknown, however you are in safe hands with Sadia. She manages to be professional, challenging but always warm and kind. I struggled with imposter syndrome for many years, I had sessions with very well regarded corporate psychologists who repeatedly told me to 'Fake til I feel it', for an authentic person that is impossible and terrible advice. Sadia worked with me to create a strategy to help me manage and beat that imposter, she is the only professional to have got me there! I cannot thank her enough or recommend her highly enough. Even if you're not sure what you might need coaching for, contact her, have a chat and she will help you find some clarity. Sarah Lindsay.

Specialist areas
Career Direction Cross Cultural Decision Making Leadership Managing Emotions Mindfulness Motivation New Role Personal Impact Promotion Resilience Time Management Transition Wellbeing Work/Life balance
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