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Michele Grant

500+ hours of coaching experience

Coach Supervisor · Executive Coach · Leadership Coach · Career Coach


United Kingdom

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About me

Executive Coach & Coach Supervisor - London

I am a coach with 15 years experience of working with a wide range of clients, backed up by a 20 year career that included board level and international roles.

I understand the pressures of work in large organisations and that the world of work is changing with less security and more blurring of boundaries.

Developing personal resilience and fulfilment is dependent on our ability to navigate this complex world and make choices that are valued and workable.

I'm not keen on tips, tricks and tools. If coaching is to have a profound impact then the answers cannot be preordained. My coaching is about providing a reflective space with supportive challenge to get you to a valued result. It should be something you actively look forward to and there will be a place for humour. It's surprising what that can yield.

I do draw on the latest thinking from neuroscience research to support my coaching. An example might be how the brain processes perceptions of threat and reward differently for different people and how that may inform how you manage or relate to others with best effect. I also have a particular interest in thinking about our life stage, as we perceive it and how that maps onto our career needs.

But beyond those interests I don't set out a detailed plan of what the coaching will involve. As a coach supervisor I am alive to a wide range of coaching approaches and I take my cue from the individual client to discern what is a good fit.

I am fortunate as a coach to have had plentiful real-world, first-hand experience of leadership and complex organisational change - everything from expansion, contraction, digitisation, reorganisation, management of remote teams internationally, governance, talent development and more. No two organisations are the same, of course, so I carry these experiences lightly but I have been there.

As a trained mediator I have additional specialist skill in coaching where the resolution of conflict is relevant - either between individuals or whole areas of a business. And in keeping with that interest in productive relationships I am a non-executive director and trustee of Relate in my spare time.

Professional Qualifications

I hold the Professional Certificate in Advanced Supervision Practice from Oxford Brookes University; I undertook my coach training with the Coach Training Institute (CTI) and hold the Professional Coach (PCC) level credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF). I also have a certificate of teacher training in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy from Oxford University Dept of Psychiatry's mindfulness centre. I am accredited as a Civil and Commercial Mediator by the ADR Group.

If I sound like a good fit for you then let's test it out. You can reach me at [email protected]
Professional body membership

International Coach Federation

Level of membership/accreditation

ICF - Professional Certified Coach


Professional Certified Coach, ICFProfessional Certificate in Advanced Supervision Practice (Oxford Brookes University)Co-Active Coach training program (Coach Training InstituteMBCT Teacher Certificate (Oxford Mindfulness Centre,Univ of Oxford Dept of Psychiatry)ACT Intermediate Level certificate, PsychflexAccredited Coach Supervisor, AoCS

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I wholeheartedly recommend Michele's skills as a coach. Our sessions have been invaluable, helping me to gain perspective through very difficult situations, both emotionally and whilst maintaining structure and the ability to plan in everyday life and work. She has a steady, wise, honest and impartial approach that instils confidence and shows a humanity that shines a light on her integrity. Her professional input has had a significant impact on my ability to succeed both personally and in my career. Joe Baden OBE


I would without hesitation recommend Michele as a supervisor. Over the time we worked together, I have built confidence in flexing my coaching style. I have taken away learnings about alternative ways of thinking and being that live with me both as I coach, and outside of coaching. I particularly appreciated Michele's laser-sharp attention to the words I use and her tenacious attention to what is significant combined with warm encouragement, humour and care. I found Michele to be incredibly authentic, skilfully adaptive and values-driven - a wonderful human and excellent supervisor. Becky Seale.


Michele has helped me make decisions about major life challenges, bringing infinite clarity, calmness and great warmth to the process. I’ve had coaching previously but without much impact, however, Michele has a way of guiding me to look outside my normal boundaries and reconnect with a sense of purpose, self and life direction, on a more profound level. I always feel like I have someone on my side, listening and offering wisdom, or suggesting points of reflection when things get challenging. As a result my load is lighter and I feel more empowered to make changes. I’m very grateful for everything Michele has encouraged me to achieve. Sarah Jane Johnson.

Specialist areas
Career Direction Confidence Conflict Emotional Intelligence Influencing Skills Leadership Managing Change Mental Health Resilience Strategy Supervision: 1-2-1 Supervision: Group Partner Offer
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